LIA Carbon debate heats up in the industry

Beset by different carbon schemes, industry sage, James Cryer, piles back into the debate, debunking accepted truths while sowing confusion in the minds of the undecided. Last week’s LIA meeting at Five Dock in Sydney dealt with the merits of alternate carbon-abatement schemes. It highlighted several things. One is just how gullible human beings are…


Carbon calculation does not add up

Concentrating on carbon dioxide continues to distract us from the bigger evil, pollution, which is the real demon. But unfortunately that word seems to have an old-fashioned ring to it. It’s so last-century, when things were simpler, remedies clearer and actions more decisive. Life was uncomplicated by the vested interests, stakeholders (another shocking word!), political…


Anti-carbon tax campaigner

The printing industry was represented at last weekend’s carbon tax rally in Hyde Park Sydney, when industry notable, James Cryer, brought his message to the assembled throng. Readers of this journal will be familiar with the thrust of Cryer’s complaints against the imposition of a carbon tax. He has presented his point of view at…


A printing industry by other names

Industry gadfly and guru, James Cryer, wants to redefine the printing industry by its constituent parts and expand its borders to include the growing segments that are driving more of the current employment opportunities. How should an industry best reflect its priorities and aspirations, especially when it comes to the associations that represent it members?…


Where to now for printing industries?

In the aftermath of the Printing Industries election, it’s worth asking what the Association is actually for and who is its constituency? As the dominance of printing fades in a fragmenting digital marketplace the quest for meaning and relevance takes on more urgency. James Cryer, industry seer and gadfly, kick-starts the discussion. It is with…
